Number: rules.-  Fill in the blanks with plurals.

Singular---------- Plural---------Pronunciation     

map .............. 1 ------------[s]

hat ..............  2

book .............3

plate ............ 4

roof ............. 5

cap .............. 6

bed .............. 7 ------------[z]

leg ............... 8

boy .............. 9

name ........... 10

class ........... 11 -------[kla:siz]

dish  ............12

box ............. 13

watch .......... 14

nose ............ 15

sponge ........ 16

piece .......... 17

face ........... 18

potato ........ 19

tomato ....... 20

echo .......... 21

hero .......... 22

duo ........... 23

halo .......... 24

tobacco .... 25

calf .......... 26 ---------[ka:vz]

Singular---------- Plural---------Pronunciation    

elf ............... 27

leave ........... 28

loaf ............. 29

self ............. 30

shelf ........... 31

thief ............ 32

wharf .......... 33

wolf ............ 34

wife ............ 35

life .............. 36

knife ............ 37

sky .............. 38 ------[skaiz]

body ........... 39

lady ............ 40

day ............. 41

key ............. 42

tooth ........... 43

foot ............. 44

mouse ......... 45

sheep .......... 46

deer ............ 47

ox ............... 48

child ........... 49

safe ............ 50

handkerchief ..... 51


Write a noun in singular form, but it's always  plural: it begins with a "p"  (I don't mean "people"):

------------------ 52

  Write a noun in plural form, but  it's always singular: it begins with a "n":

........................  53




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